Sunday, April 17, 2011

Biscuits and gravy

Okay so a lot has happens in the past couple of weeks. I have had sun stroke, pneumonia, free chick-fil-a, been to the desert, and finally today, after three months of living here I have eaten my first biscuits and gravy. Its been a really challenging time and God has taught me a lot about myself and himself during it. I don't want to dwell on my sickness since I had enough  time to do that on my own when I was sick but it was also my first time in ER. Excellent!

This weekend has been pretty up there in terms of fun, interest and cheer amazement. On Friday evening Sydney cooked her first ever Jambalaya! It was superb and then (because it was a Jambalaya and Puzzle Party) we completed a 1000 piece jig-saw puzzle. It was of pikes peak and certainly an epic achievement for one evening!

So we left Colorado Springs at 6AM the next day for the "dunes" which were three hours away. Not knowing much about them and after Carl had seemed to be impressed by himself after saying they were 40ft tall I was more than skeptical. The early morning turned out to be fairly amusing with Clare having decided the previous night we would take a dog with us. So three guys, two girls and a dog headed for a three hour drive to middle of nowhere (via free chick-fil-a breakfast) sand dunes. They turned out to be epic. Just like the Sahara (which was also the name of the dog)! They came out of nowhere and just grew and grew. We conquered them good after having plenty of fun jump of off them. And then we came home and babysat for Brad for 6 hours which involved a lot of wrestling (and song writing).

Today was another road trip to an 86 year old hydro plant in the mountains. It was at least two hours drive from Manitou Springs but also only three or four miles hike. We had a few team members for this weeks upcoming design intensive (more on that later) and a guy Chris who works for Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU). Craigs car overheated not long after we started off together and so Chris suggested he take us if we get back to his house. He drives a Swiss Army people carrier from 1973.

It was an epic journey in this vehicle driving through dirt mountain roads for a few hours through forest and getting higher up the mountain (we went from 6-7 to 10 thousand feet). The place was amazing. He told us all the history of the hydro plant and we got taught about the turbine, the control equipment (it was the world first automated hydro plant) and how they could control it in Colorado Springs with the use of 6 starting motors only to start the turbine and generator and inflow of water. It also had a generator that started induction but synchronised itself after start up! The things they could do in 1920's boggles the mind. It was a Pelton wheel (1kW or so) and 14 pole generator. It was beautiful in one of the most beautiful places on the earth, reight under pikes peak.

After we got back Chris showed us his replicas of turbines he makes for utility companies (he also has a paying job) and so have a look. They are working replicas!

Please pray for:
- Strength (i have not stopped doing things - i love that though).
- Our design intensive on the wedge. This is a first for EMI in product development. We have engineers from all over USA and Canada coming this week and I am on the project too. This is developing a pico-hydro unit with  the ultimate purpose of providing energy for those in developing countries. This is a real challenge for four days intensive work. Ultimately, pray God is glorified through volunteers this week and through the beginnings of the future of this product.
- All us interns all over the world y'all so it is.
- All my other plans while I'm in Merica!
- Americans. They have this thing called "biscuits and gravy" but its actually scones covered in pepper sauce. "Who does that anyway?"

Pray, it works!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chocolate from Peru

I’ve now been in America for 2 months. This is a third of the time I’ll be here. Highlights include Uganda, Chick-Fil-A, Chipotle, the community in our office, tie Tuesday, flannel Friday and skiing the mountains. I have, however, come across a few odd things and misunderstandings since I’ve been here. There are certain words which don’t translate correctly or aren’t used here. 

Merican words:
Grill – don’t ask to grill your toast
Pants – makes for huge misunderstandings/ funny conversations
Neat- more than just tidy
BBQ – I still don’t see the difference
Tea – sweet, and cold – just not the same
Soda, pop, coke – all refer to the same thing – fizzy juice
Legit – better than legal
Just kidding – the person is exempt from any harmful actions following what they just said. If in doubt after a talking, will definitely get you out of trouble.
Football – not football
Hockey – not played in a field
Cookie – a biscuit which may or may not be a cookie
Biscuit – scone like, still a little confused about this one.
Do what? – do... what?

UK words:
Keen – term for enthusiastic, not to be confused with body parts
Class – another way of saying “sweet” or “awesome”
Poor – pronounced “purr” but still has the same meaning
Rubbish – not just the trash, similar meaning to poor
Football - football

*Open to suggestions of additions

Any reference to Britain or Ireland causes many Americans to fall into some sort of strange accent attempt. This is generally embarrassing/ fun.

In other news:
John came back into the office today, he's been in Peru the last week. He brought us all back chocolate from his trip. My hero.
St. Patricks Day has been renamed to St. Phillys day – a definite highlight.


If the road is long, it must have some worth
The paths may weave nay wind some but your feet are on earth
Should you look back what is it you’ll see
But a road that looks straighter than you thought it would be
If you think you are leading do not be misled
But think you are leaving you have more left to shed
If it isn’t the journey, it’s nothing at all
The road is much steeper, I’ll be there if you fall


What if I gave up all that I own
Stopped and gave time to those I disown
No razor again to touch my face
What I have now is life only by grace

Do I go here and there, lacking a plan
Or wait, still and patient for the works of his hand
Sweet novelty it may at first be
But how long do I tread in this self-made poverty

I pray as I dream that my life is your will
That I end life with nothing, zero, nada, nil
To do so I must give up my idols
Get on my knees and pray for revival

Sunday, March 13, 2011


There was an irish guy called Phil,
Who's blog he forgot to quill,
Since it's the season of Lent,
He decided to repent,
And write on his blog he will!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Who oh Lord

Listening to - Who alone can rescue - matt redman

Hey y'all. Mitch has inspired me to write my blog. So here is a brief overview of Uganda.

How odd it was to literally jump on a plane with a couple of t-shirts in my duffel bag for a few weeks. I realised throughout the week that God wasn't using me in my full engineering capacity. What he was doing is teaching me humbleness. In a situation with a new team of strangers in a strange land, God was working in every one of them not just expanding his kingdom on land but also in the heart of those on the team and those around us. From one guy stepping up when called to speak at church, to others opening up fully in our first team devotional times.

To leave you, Mitch, with a verse that has inspired me late. It talks of what we have to give God, and that reality is God wants us to seek him. This is a well known verse but I feel it has much more meaning in full.

 So Micah 6-8:
With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands or rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has told you what is good; and what does the lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

And my prayer for you: But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous Oh Lord, you cover him with favour as with a shield

Friday, February 11, 2011

Started Late

I'm just back from uganda so I would start my blog!

updates coming....